CPB Respool | 500T | 35mm Colour CineFilm | 36 exposures | ISO 500

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Film Type: Colour Cine Film
ISO: 500
Tungsten Balanced

Exposures: 36
Expiration: June 2028

The CPB Foundation via its newly opened Community Darkroom is excited to make available the first batch of ReSpooled Colour Cine film!

Scroll down to see sample images shot with this film.

500T is a tungsten-balanced film rated at ISO 500 
which takes the look and image structure that people love in motion picture film but reduces the amount of grain in shadows. This versatile film is well-suited for both students and professionals and allows for pushing and pulling during development and produces great results for digital scans.

500T is truly versatile when it comes to colour representation and looks as good in broad daylight as it works with artificial lighting. Where it comes into its own is during the magic hour, when the blue in the sky creates a stunning contrast with artificial lighting rendering true-to-life tones that are often hard to match in digital workflows. 

What is CineFilm?

CineFilm refers to 35mm motion picture stock which was the staple of the likes of Hollywood and Bollywood for decades before the popularisation of digital formats. In recent times, the still photography community has rediscovered these stocks and made them part of the film photographer tool chest. The film is characterised by strong exposure latitude and a distinctly cinematic vibe. Motion picture stock has a characteristic Remjet layer which is a dark black base coated onto the film to protect it from scratches. Cinefilm is best processed in ECN2 film development chemistry with a Remjet removal step. It can also be processed in C41 and must be pushed 1 stop for best results - i.e. exposed at 400 iso for 250 iso film and 800 iso for 500 film.

 Features of CPB ReSpool Cinefilm:

  1. Guaranteed fresh and procured directly from Kodak in India.
  2. Professionally hand-spooled in a dust-controlled environment.
  3. All film rolls are guaranteed to have 36 frames.
  4. Cartridges are not DX-coded but have been performance tested in a variety of 35mm SLR, Rangefinder and Point and Shoot Cameras.
  5. All film leaders have been cut with an industry-standard leader cutter for uniformity.

What is Respool?

Respooling film is the act of purchasing film in bulk quantities by the 100's of feet and spooling them by hand into used metal cartridges. The film is loaded in a light-controlled environment using specialised equipment and produces results which are identical to commercially packaged films (unless mentioned as untested expired stocks).